Visitor & Recreation
Learn more about grizzly bear and black bear safety in Jackson Hole and the surrounding areas, including food storage regulations for Yellowstone National Park, Grand Teton National Park, Bridger-Teton National Forest and Caribou-Targhee National Forest. Whether you’re camping, hiking, or hunting, stay safe in bear country with these tips from Bear Wise Jackson Hole.

Residential &
Community Resources
Local residents can stay informed on the latest bear conflicts with our heat map of Jackson Hole and the surrounding areas, find information about approved trash containers and local regulations, as well as how to bear-proof your home by securing grizzly bear and black bear attractants. The Living in Bear County and Mountain Neighbor Handbooks are also available through Bear Wise Jackson Hole.
Learn About Bears
Black vs Grizzly Bears
Learn about the physical characteristics and general differences between the two bear species that call Wyoming home – black bears and grizzly bears.
Identify Bear Behavior
Stay informed about behavioral differences between black bears and grizzly bears, including aggressiveness, social behavior, and how they react to humans.
Seasonal Food Sources
Viewing bears in the wild is always an exciting experience; however, it can be frightening and dangerous to have a surprise encounter with a bear. Learning what bears are eating throughout the year will help you identify areas where you may encounter a bear. Learning how to identify these areas and avoiding them at key times of the year will help minimize human-bear conflict.
Our Mission
Bear Wise Jackson Hole is working to significantly reduce human-bear conflicts in Teton County, Wyoming through education and outreach to locals and visitors. Teton County experiences an average of 71 human-bear conflicts per year. To reduce human-wildlife conflict, both Teton County and the Town of Jackson have instated regulations that require private landowners and businesses to secure wildlife attractants on their properties. These requirements provide a powerful base for conservation, but extensive outreach and communication are needed to inform residents. Bear Wise Jackson Hole is filling that gap by providing information and assistance securing bear attractants in Teton County, WY.
Bear Wise Jackson Hole is a decades long partnership between Grand Teton National Park, Jackson Hole Wildlife Foundation, Wyoming Game and Fish Department, U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, and the Bridger-Teton National Forest. Bear Wise Jackson Hole also works closely with Teton County, Wyoming, and the Town of Jackson.